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Ashtanga - primary series Comprehensive first series course

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Teacher: Erica Rintovich
Method: Ashtanga Vinyasa - All levels
18 Clips
435.3 minutes

The following course encompasses the entire Ashtanga primary series.
The course entails the guiding philosophy that underly Ashtanga Yoga (in which we focus postures, breathing techniques, Sanskrit counting methodology, and tales of ashtanga mythology that serve as the foundations of this ancient technique)
This course breaks down the ashtanga primary series into segments highlighting each of the poses within the primary series (standing poses, sitting poses, forward bend poses, backward bend poses and inverted poses)

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Introduction to Ashtanga yoga
21 minutes
The eight limbs of yoga
22.7 minutes
Drishti and Bandhas
10.2 minutes
Vinyasa Krama- the counting method
6.9 minutes
Pranayama - Ujjayi breath
12.1 minutes
Mantras- opening prayer and the mantra Om
21.4 minutes
Balance and strength postures
23.9 minutes
Sitting postures- Dandasana until Janu Sirsasana
35.1 minutes
The Marichyasana family
26.2 minutes
The challenge of the primary series- Navasana until Kukutasana
24.2 minutes
Cooling down - the stretch sequence
9.5 minutes
The end of primary series - few last postures before the backbend vinyasa.
17.9 minutes
Ashtanga led primary series- a guided group practice
79.4 minutes
Ashtanga primary led class part 1
41.7 minutes
Ashtanga primary led class part 2
38 minutes
Hip opening sequence for Padmasana - Bonus
21.1 minutes
Stories form the mythology: The symbol of Patanjali - Bonus
3.6 minutes
Stories from the mythology: The story of churning the ocean - Bonus
8.4 minutes