
“Yoga helps me create a sacred space, one in which I can find inner peace and purpose. The integration of Buddhism and yoga brings about a deep and enriching experience with fundamental implications on my daily life”

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My yoga journey started with Zipi Winner- B.K.S Iyengar closest student &  certified teacher. I was 11 years old. After two years of practicing with Zipi I understood that yoga is an inseparable part of my life and I decided to go deeper. I started my Vedanta studies & yoga practice at the Sivananda yoga center in Tel Aviv. I was 13 years old. I grew up in this center and after few years did my first Yoga Teacher Training program with the Sivananda yoga Vedanta school.

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​"What's so great about yoga , is that there are no shortcuts, you learn how to be very honest and simultaneously kind with yourself. The benefits are not in what you achieve in the postures , but in how you physically and mentally feel in order to  relate to the world"

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Yoga for me is inspiration, it is a way to give thanks and a tool that creates a balance in the vitality of my life flow. It enriches my life and gives me a great sense of satisfaction, passion, compassion and love within myself and an ability to share these feelings with those around me

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The first time I encountered Ashtanga yoga, I was hooked, like a moth to a flame I became consumed by it. Sri K Pattabhi once said “practice and all is coming”, meaning that in life will come to you as you commit yourself to practice. Training Asanas helps me connect with my inner being and it allows me to grow as a man.

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Look how the trees practice waking up as objects pass them by- Israel Eliraz

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I view the practice of Yoga as a metaphor. I put my body in difficult and challenging positions, while simultaneously demanding my mind to experience a calm and collected conscious state. I flow through a space while I contort and move, yet, at the same time, I concentrate and focus to produce a constant and consistent quality of movement, I do this in serenity and with a quite mind. I close my eyes, concentrate on my breathing, I experience my body’s position in space; these exercises are not an expression of seclusion, but rather an expression of my ability to find inner strength. A kind of stability that is independent on external conditions. This allows me to experience the outer world in a quite and calm outlook, which I find to be something that improves me.

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 “Yoga is the journey of the Self, Through the Self ,To the Self”

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My mother says that when I came out into the world, my little feet were already wrapped in water lilies. Yoga, in its most basic form, is naked and true, it allows me to simplify the most intricate and convoluted things into simple coherent ideas. Yoga enables me to find structure in chaos and reconnects me to myself.

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Yoga for me is a constant present way of life. It is my teacher, my remedy and north star.

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Yoga is a way of life for me.
A way of evolving and growing towards an
awareness and fulfillment in this life.
With the help of the Physical practice as well as the practice of breath and meditation, the waves of consciousness calm and a whole new perspective reveals itself.
Seeing the world as it is, without preconceptions.
With regular perpetual practice, the Physical and the spiritual capacity grows and evolves.

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Yoga has been a part of my life for the past 20 years and has brought movement and health into my life.
Yoga has also opened me up to the knowledge and intelligence of the body and its movement.
It invites me to investigate and deepen my understanding of life itself.
Yoga is my work and my livelihood; I teach yoga and pass on the knowledge I received.
I believe that insights and understandings that are valuable to me, can be valuable to others too.

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Yoga for me is a present for the human race, for us to preserve our health,
physically and mentally, remain in balance and to connect with our true self.
It’s a valuable present, rich with ancient knowledge.
The one walking this path will enjoy uncompromised peacefulness.

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Yoga for me is a spiritual path, It’s the way I want to live my life. Free of identification towards the physical body and looking deep inside to find out who am I.
"Yoga is not to be performed. Yoga is to be lived"

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