Method: Vinyasa - All levels

Yoga for me is a spiritual path, It’s the way I want to live my life. Free of identification towards the physical body and looking deep inside to find out who am I.
"Yoga is not to be performed. Yoga is to be lived"

Anna Tyc, born in Warsaw Poland, growing up in Berlin Germany where she started her journey as a yoga student and teacher.
Anna wants to share her passion to yoga lifestyle and make yoga accessible to everyone. She believes that thorough yoga we are building an awareness of who we are and how we can create a better world for all beings.
Anna Tyc is co-founder of ‘High on Yoga’ Berlin Yoga studio, where she is still sharing her practice with the community of berlin.
In her teaching, she offers intensive Vinyasa flow with chanting Mantra Pranayama and meditation.
Anna is grateful to all incredible teachers who inspired her path: BNS Iyanger, Mandala Mysore, Gregor Maehle, Monica Gauci, Richard Freeman, Netta Barnea.

Course with Anna Tyc

The four elements - Fire

Fire Element
Vinyasa - All levels
5 Clips
128.4 minutes

In this course we will practice dynamic Vinyasa yoga that engages the whole body, combining movement with conscience breathing and synchronicity.
The practice is high-pace with a touch of challenging poses to increase our body’s heat and elevate our overall energy. 

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The four elements - Earth

Earth Element
Vinyasa - All levels
5 Clips
154.5 minutes

In this course we will focuse on grounding and rooting in the method of Vinyasa yoga.
We will work on the pelvic floor, strengthening of the legs and our core muscles.
This course is recommended if you are in need of balance and grounding.

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The four elements - Air

Air Element
Vinyasa - All levels
5 Clips
182.4 minutes

A soft Vinyasa practice that allows us to build a connection with ourselves.
To approach our physical and mental body with love and compassion.
Complementary movements and flow, providing us with a light feeling of levity and dance.

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The four elements - Water

Water Element
Vinyasa - All levels
5 Clips
127.7 minutes

A deep Vinyasa practice that involves all the senses of our body.
It will allows us to approach the deep part in us, physically and spiritually.
This course can bring hidden emotions up to the surface.
A comforting and therapeutic practice.

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Morning Practice

A practice to begin the day
Vinyasa - All levels
3 Clips
61.3 minutes

Three short practices to start your day and get a boost of energy to your system.
This course supports the blood flow to your muscles and tissues, providing them with strength and endurance.
Regulating the breath and practicing stability, prepares your body for the day ahead of you.
Recommended every morning!

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