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Yoga Glossary Sanskrit Poses

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Teacher: Liran Salomon
Method: Sanskrit Poses - All levels
11 Clips
33 minutes

Yoga Glossary
Includes a short introduction to the different poses (Asanas) and the respective terminology of each exercise in Sanskrit, Hebrew, and English

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Tadasana - Mountain Pose
3.2 minutes
Urdhva hastasana - Upward Salute
2.1 minutes
Extended Triangle Pose
3.4 minutes
Revolved Triangle pose
3.7 minutes
Utthita parsvakonasana -Extended Side Angle Pose
3.4 minutes
Prasarita Padottanasana - Wide-Legged Forward Bend
3.4 minutes
Intense Side Stretch Pose
4 minutes
Utkatasana-Chair Pose
1.9 minutes
Half Moon Pose
2.5 minutes
Eagle Pose
2.6 minutes
Vrikshasana - Tree Pose
2.8 minutes