This style combines between meticulous scientific knowledge, and the soft natural healthy flow that comes from the body.

It is a personal style combining element from Vini Yoga, Ayengar Yoga, Integrative Yoga and extras from the disciplines of Mobility, Chiropractic and more.

All these create a rich practice of movement to joints, spine and deep realms of our body.

In this practice there are plenty of preparations for the joints before the Asana’s.

It encourages elasticity to all our body tissues, from the skin to the bones and from head to toe.

It's a diverse practice that makes use of technics that creates again and again cognitive connections between our brain and body.

All of this is that we stay sharp with our cognitive ability and physical body movement.

The practice encourages harmony between our different realms, attention, and mindfulness.

It helps keeping our physical and cognitive fountain of youth.

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Anti-aging practice

Inter sustainment
Yogametria - All levels
15 Clips
443.8 minutes

Menopause is the time when hormonal changes accrue,
this causes our inner and outer tissues to dry.
The main point of this practice is to keep our tissues moist and saturated as much.
For example, oiling the joints, building elasticity and what’s good for our skin.
Very recommended for age 45 & above.

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Yoga with a stick - exploring Asanas

Simple alignment, flowing & accessible
Yogametria - All levels
16 Clips
282.1 minutes

Enjoyable practice, exiting and happy!
One prop, easy, comfortable and available – a broom stick.
With it’s help we can be more precise in the Asanas and also break some boundaries.
Who is this curse for: teacher who want to get more tools (literally) and for those who are experienced.

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